Friday, October 15, 2010

Scott Garrett v Tod Theise

The people of Bergen County have been harmed by the political practices of Scott Garrett – whom has been nothing but a self serving disaster in the House of Representatives.
Congressman Garrett has failed to debate his opponents in the last couple of congressional races: for the party and for the office. And people have now been sounding off on Scott Garrett.

Thomas Musich: Where's the press release regarding your vote on H.R. 847 (James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010)? The bill you voted 'No' twice on. The bill that every member of the House from New Jersey(including all Republicans) voted 'Yes' on.

Mr. Musich has a concern that the 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010 passed without their congressman's approval -- yet Garrett is running on how he helped.

Scott Garrett's staffers, leashed out in support of Congressman Garrett about the his vote on the 9/11 health commission. Scott O'Donnell@Musich...maybe Scott was concerned about an $8 BILLION figure to cover the health costs....there were only a few hundred people working on the pile, who else is going to claim compensation from this honeypot. I did not object to the bill, but I was shocked at the $$ figure. Seemed outlandish and arbitrary. I know of 1 person who was at the WTC for less than 1 hour (and not even on the pile) and is now claiming reimbursement.

So the men and women who risked their lives on 9/11 by going into a building to save people, or by going down to ground zero to clean up the mess: doesn't deserve heath care and benefits they are proud of, after taking on the mission to save those when 9/11 happened. Where would NYC be today, if those New Jerseyans stayed home. Where would their health be if they didn't make a choice to help a fellow American. It's not the figure of $8 billion. It's helping the people that elected you in their time of need. The political abuse raved so much that I even had to chime in on the action to help the people in need.

Omar Dyer: What is Scott Garrett afraid of in a debate: one, he's an incumbent? Two, he has Steve Lonegan backing him. Three, he's a Tea-party favorite in a cherry picked district in New Jersey. Four, people will expose him on his statement about: "How Dell would go bankrupt if Finance Reform was passed?" When Dell is in the computer business! And they will expose how he's against corporate bailouts, but for the bush tax cuts--plus the Foreign Aid Tax Credit. But this congressman is too chicken to debate his democratic challenger. Tod Theise. Hey I hope every news media on the globe covers this debate so they can see for themselves that they have a sitting congressman not showing up to a debate because he's scared of his opponent. That's an amazing story and a chuckle of things to come. Like how can he debate members in congress about fiscal issues and not debate or answer his constituents’ disagreements. And to also note: Scott Garrett has lost every endorsement he has had, but the Tea-Party. And Tod Theise has gotten's endorsement. So this blog is asking you to Get out the Vote in 2010 for Tod.