Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Team Fulop

Steven Fulop 2013’s Mayor:

In all press releases, and all morning wakes—the Battle with Mayor Jerramiah Healy and prospect to be Mayor: Steve Fulop, has dealt another mighty blow; to Team Healy. Steve in local elections is changing Jersey City, in an open honest government move. Fulop supported committee candidates of 120 people all looking to set balance the democratic committee. Jersey City holds 360 committee members. Team Fulop set an unprecedented move by single sweeping 60 seats on the committee that holds seats in Jersey City. And among his hardest and biggest defeats where, Mayor Jerramiah Healy’s wife losing her seat on the committee. Also, knocked from the rank and file ranks was Bill Guaghan’s daughter – whom saw her long standing on the committee now gone?

Fulop in a small press conference stated that –“For the first time in many years, and this has never happened before, the Hudson County Democratic Organization was spending money on committee people. They were sending out mailings with committee people’s names on them—they were sending out robot-calls to support committee people. Even state Senator Richard Cody was calling to give support to committee members. And the commitment I (Steven Fulop) am trying to make is a grassroots movement of activist and ordinary people. And our fight has basically taken out a large number of members. Now last year on that committee we had one person, fighting against the others saying—no don’t vote for this person because it’s wrong. This year we will have 100 people in that room making their voices heard. To me that’s pretty impressive.”

It is impressive to have that much influence and take a huge shift in Jersey City politics. And Let me be the first to say: Steve Fulop is the front runner in 2013’s election, and just by popular demand on how he is bringing fire to Mayor Healy in election after election—after election, shows that his team will be very tough. Fulop now has a full team in every part of Jersey City. And is looking to be more of a huge force than he was back in 2009! Fulop this time around has more clots, more people and a better base – he’s not just the councilman of ward E anymore. In 2013, Omar Dyer will be voting for Steven Fulop.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Omar Dyer OP-ED

These are the letters of communication to the local news. Unfortunately, none of the good stories written by Omar Dyer ever make it to the main stream. And yes this is a blog--yet why buy a newspaper when you can get the news directly from the source.

Here's an email sent to the Jersey Journal on Thursday Talking about Crime in Jersey City.

Mayor Healy needs a new crime policy!
Thursday, June 2, 2011 12:12 PM
From: "Omar dyer"
Bcc: "Omar Dyer"

After the shooting death of Marine CPT. Anthony Adams during Memorial Day Weekend and Fleet Week in a carjacking—in Ward (F)! The people of Jersey City needs healing, hope and jobs. Crime is hurting the perception of Jersey City, and something needs to be done. I have been a six year resident of this town, and living in Jersey City has been troublesome and tough because of the vigils and the funerals – the friends of family members crying, and asking for support—bleaks the need and urgency to change something.

As a national activist; one that has traveled the country fighting for just for the oppressed. Fighting for the youth of Jersey City has been one of the hardest battles I have ever encountered. And during this six year run, the young adults are getting complacent and use to this level of crime and ignorance—coming from Mayor Healy’s administration. And when teens growing into adults see that life in a crime filtered neighborhood is normal, the city becomes a liability. More-over, when the city is in the negative thinking with lots of crime or perception of crime moving throughout the city – people and business tend to leave. And those that don’t leave tend to segregate from the rest of the town.

Jersey City has a problem and the current policies in place are not built or made to solve this problem. It takes communities and education willing to stand up and solve the problem. And it takes serious recreational programs, of education, sports – extracurricular activities, faith based, and financial healing. Where jobs, education and innovation are created? Mayor Healy has led an administration based on donations, and that’s sad because those who are the biggest donors never stay around to develop the community.

In Jersey City, businesses are being cheated, and developers or developing minds are frustrated with the policies of this administration. Jersey City is being held hostage to self-serving political patronage creeds. And I am being nice with the words; Mayor Healy has laid off 280 people in 2009—just to give Kevin Lyons a $14,000 raise. He will layoff more than 108 municipal workers in order to give Steve Lipski a $65,000 raise from $1, (when noted Lipski was going to get $128,000 from $1) at the end of June!

This administration has turned a 30-year program (UEZ) Urban Enterprise Zone fund, and the Economic Development Center into a political ponzi scheme. Now we tend to lose these services, because political hacks—mismanaged the programs annual budget, to where it’s now $26 million in the tank – as the city of Jersey City only brings in $6 million in grants from federal or state aid. And that’s why our budget is $477 million and in trouble, with a $108 million dollar gap. While Team Healy makes $3 million to make our lives miserable.

Omar Dyer (Jersey City / Hoboken)
Democratic National Committee Member
Political Activist with Coaches! 101


Omar Dyer's letter to the editor was sent to Jersey Journal, and never published. In fact Omar Dyer over the last 7 years have been sending letters to the editor from Jersey City: whereas, TheFanNJ was a freelance writer for the Newark Starledger, and the Jersey Journal itself. Over the course of weeks we will release all letters of Communications from Omar Dyer to the Jersey Journal and the StarLedger. And we recommend that you read online blogs. Why pay for something when you can read it online for free--if the paid news won't report the good stuff, read an award nominated writer online.