Monday, October 15, 2012

Election 2013

My letter is to ask the African American community, and those that are leaders in the community to open their hearts up just a tad on the political activeness. One, the viral attacks – letter campaigns and rope-a-dope actions going on against Candidates for the mayoral race in Jersey City is getting out of hand with the run-to the paper, letter campaign.

As a perennial candidate, and public / private advocate – my address to the editor is addressing these open letters. You have a vast majority of supporters, following Mayor Healy: (Which is good) and you have a small number of supporters following Councilmember Steven Fulop (Which is also good) since it means Jersey City is politically active for this mayoral race. What bothers me are these anti-black rhetoric coming from African American leaders, on Fulop’s commitment? I must point out that I have been a Steven Fulop supporter since 2009, when he helped me launch my crazy bid for a Gubernatorial Race in New Jersey, even though he knew I didn’t stand a chance; he supported the effort of a college student engaging in politics. What I don’t understand is the velocity of hate media trying to paint a picture of how his commitment should be deemed devilish, by him helping out the African American community’s children. Whether it’s coming from an advertisement on Martin Luther King Drive, or Jackson Avenue—we as people need to open our eyes on the benefactors of our community. This is the same community that is begging for leadership – in which I myself has been diligently tinkering on while living in Jersey City’s hardest hit places for the last 7 years.

We need to look at the facts: Sure Steven Fulop is no perfect politician, but that’s what he is: A Political leader. Which means he should be allowed to engage with students, children and all communities for the benefit of the community; and not to be denounced upon for political purposes? Some of those who are public workers, and participate in public service, and happen to be elected or appointed members of the same administration—holding the growth of the city hostage; need to take a valid look in the mirror, and stay non-partisan on critical issues, when a candidate is trying to introduce themselves to the public. Since some of the rhetoric is boarding the lines of reverse racism. Where those are hating others based on the simple notion of who they support? Mayor Jerramiah Healy has been a complete disorganized leader for Jersey City in the last 8 year. We reward him 4 more years because no candidate wanted to challenge him due to the notion of Healy’s nasty honchos. I encourage those who have vast opinions, to run for Mayor. Let’s make sure Mayor Healy doesn’t get 4 more years: 16 years to run Jersey City in the tanker. He’s not Barack Obama, and he shouldn’t be trying to act like he is.