Thursday, May 26, 2011


On May 25, 2011; Jersey City’s council which is structured with elected leaders like: Council President Peter M. Brennan; Kalimah H. Ahmad, Radames Velazquez Jr. – Micheal J. Scottolano, David P. Donnelly, Nidia R. Lopez, William A. Gaughan, Steve Fulop, and Viola Richardson. The council comprised of Team Healy; a mayor who hand feeds his legislative agenda, voted against Steven Fulop’s proposals to consolidate the Department of Cultural Affairs (RES. 11-309), and the Jersey City Economic Development Center (RES. 11-308).

The all ganged up on the lone wolf council representative – on his tally against what practices needs to be done. Now on RES. 11-309, Jersey City shouldn’t be consolidating this department, without making concessions. Since a city as large as Jersey City can be harmed if they shifted the responsibilities to Hudson County. And Fulop, does make a point; If Jersey City is paying twice for these services – then one has to give. And maybe Steve Fulop should propose a resolution that would abolish the dual paying jobs within the county. Jobs that are no show, or no rewards or payment but you as a tax payer would pay twice.

This blog isn’t a positive for the councilman – one this blog isn’t on his payroll: two, the councilman very rarely or never supports anything this blog does. This blog is truly independent – and grassroots, because we don’t finance anyone’s campaign. This blog doesn’t care who is in charge, and don’t support two face political leaders. Leaders that engage in political discrimination in public with coding and secret resolutions!

Now on the Jersey City Economic Development Center, the people running the show have no-clue on what they are doing. Is running a romped scheme to jargonize and monopolize the entire city of Jersey City – whereas they are increasing the tax value, with greed and nepotism. The Urban Enterprise Zone was a low cost system of services that didn’t exceed its rules of the pension plans for fire fighters, and police officers—or place burdens on small businesses property taxes.

In six years the Urban Enterprise Zone has tripled or doubled its use – whereas it over exceeds the rated value set during the Jim McGreevy administration. And Jersey City was naturally high on developing through the Urban Enterprise Zone – because it was great low interest rates loans. Yet, Mayor Healy and his administration manage to mishandle the functions – how the funds are incorporated, and use theses services to pony up dual stipend jobs higher than the market rate for companies. The non-profit that doesn’t have functions and ties to the city of Jersey City but ask on behalf of the city—can’t or doesn’t control the rates of loans provided by the independent company!

I have had my battles with the Urban Enterprise Zone: and raise a couple of questions – what makes this company that is a non-profit, and gets general funding for it services that doesn’t contribute to the tax burdens of the city – any better than the same smaller company that actually does. Coaches! 101 is a not-for-profit company, which pays more than its fair share of taxes. And to note or say one person is better than the other because of political clot—only bleeds and speaks corruption. I remember when the JCEDC tried it very best to close this blog down – and now it our turn to fight the oppressor.

Yet, In order to save the Urban Enterprise Zone would mean that New Jersey’s Governor Chris Christie would have to place into effect the Millionaires Tax. And the Windfall Profits Tax on energy companies – a levy that paid for such services these desperados take advantage of – must be approved by the Governor. Now why would Governor Chris Christie continue to feed a system that rewards: NO show jobs, no reward on double taxation – and a dispersion of public trust? As people say time in and time out – there’s nothing wrong with the UEZ funds; whereas the only problem with it is the people running it. And in my honest opinion; taxes are high not because we are over taxed. They are high because political leaders have ponzied a scheme to benefit the well connected. Hudson County is the ruler of double tax paying jobs – it’s the king of allowing or forcing political bribes, and it’s the plague for corruption stings.

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