Thursday, February 23, 2012

President Obama v. Conservatives

It has always been part of the Republican electric to defeat and beat democrats, yet what we have seen in this party or base called: Republicans are outside of the general public. The National Republican base has become some sort of a joke in politics. Paul Ryan, has been part of the leadership that was waged differences in baiting a divide in someone who has pigment in their skin. This is a social vetting process that many fiscal conservatives' likes to point out on distinguishing themselves from Caucasian members of this American conservative movement in the 2000 era.

Let me be frankly clear on this subject, I am a Barack Obama supporter based on his economic policy. He has the right steady approach that can manage government, private, plus public interest-where it can improve an economy. Obama's road to recovery, has stabled the foundation in this country's economic structure. And has a moderate view on the taxing code of this country's financial outlook. This same administration has placed in key policies that have allowed the private sector to grow in record numbers - with 23 consecutive months of private sector growth. Which mean, public moneys were placed in private companies to spur consumer confidence? Consumer confidence is based on risk factors, marketing strategies, and projection outlook based on the values represented in the market.

Like, making the move to invest in General Motors (some people say bailout) moderates will call it an investment. When that investment made public became the outcry of: Government will take over the auto industry. Which was the exact opposite: Government gave the corporation an extended life line-investing in a turn-a-round process. What happened - GM is now the number company in the automotive industry in the world. That's one investment he made, and President Barack Obama didn't place on single mandate on GM, and only asking them to keep jobs in America. Now we are looking at profit gains for an American Company instead of share losses, and public debt on the death of a company. Since the American Public would still have to pay off the debt of the company, even if the loan was approved. And instead of the people getting back that dollar, they will lose that dollar. Obama 1 conservative 0.

The American public then came to the flow of how we create jobs in energy. The movement to create alternative energy, and jobs that would rid us on foreign energy (solely) started in Solar, Wind, Natural, and Bio-technology-as Alternative Energy became the number tool of investments. President Barack Obama made a solid choice to invest 60% of the Recovery Act into energy investments. This in turn has created 3 million jobs. And what is meant by 3 million jobs, is in direct jobs such as manufacturing and infrastructure jobs based on the investments on a public to private intervention. Meaning, by tweaking the rules and requirements for Community Block Grants, and personal bonds, and loan packages-companies were able to finance critical projects that created actual jobs in other industries. Example: Megan White from Arizona - wanted to improve her home for the weathering season. She was allowed to work with Solyndra-(what people don't know is this company was a distributor) and one of the sub-contracting companies issues parts to organize a product that created 250,000 in direct jobs. But how did this help Megan White, well Megan was allowed to apply for a grant at her local economic development agency, worth $20,000. With that $20,000 she was able to invest at the local store on improvements to her home. And in the process, Solyndra - would supply the facility that she was purchasing from with the goods she needed. A balanced way to capitalize income on public investments - where the public actually made a profit, and the business side, had stable rates. Obama 2 - conservatives 0

What happened with Solyndra? John Boehner, and the Republican Party wanted to make an example of any company President Barack Obama invested in, and in order to embarrass the president. John Boehner cut - all funding for direct employment and freezes all pay-out options to the energy company. And in directly used chatter to main stream the republican electric to follow a lead of firing public employees in order to overload a system. So by firing public employees in this department that handle such private events, there would be a black lash of applications or overload. That would cause the system to shake out numbers that looked good in the public or media eye, but not what was really going on. Obama 2 - conservatives 1.

The conservative base, knew that if nothing was sent out of Washington, and they attacked President Barack Obama's Health Care Law - they can force President Obama to crack. And the pressure would cause him to make mistakes that would undermine the process, so they can win an election. This is what happened; the republican leadership couldn't find a leader that can challenge President Obama. Like they were opening a can of worms, and the first leader to eat the worms and lead - happened to be the President! For every move they made that would shift the electric in one way, President Obama had his supporters jump on top of them. And leading the base or electric from behind; like stirring a ship that's lost back on track-without even being the captain of the ship! Smart Obama and Team 3 - conservatives 1.

Now the chatter and talk is back to national debt and budget out comes. In an interview on Meet the Press for the 02/19/2012 segment - Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan made a statement that President Barack Obama's budget does nothing to held the general economy. Please note that he is the point man for republican budgets-whom the leadership follows. And in that statement, he said: Obama's budget is $1.9 trillion in revenue increases, and $1.5 trillion in spending cuts. And he said that was a bad thing. Well, I am no expert on money matters-I mean I have certificates (non degree) in small business administration from New York University seminar classes. And have been approved as a notary public in the state of New Jersey-plus become a litigant with the Internal Revenue Service. So these numbers are hard to break down, but I think I can handle it. The number figures of $1.9 trillion means tax incentivizes for private and public interest. And the $1.5 trillion in spending cuts are - deductions and credits that will allow corporate and wealthy regain what was taken away. Get the numbers and look at them well, because Republicans will spin this as a negative. Yet, here's the real ticker-out of that number there will be a $400 billion dollar surplus-were $250 million can be generated on a 4 quarterly basis. Where it comes down to for every $1 that the tax payer spends - America will make $2.50 in profit. This means that the American economy will generate $1.50 on what was spent, and the tax payer will get $1 of that. Sounds like a smart investment doesn't it - I mean this would make republicans jump for joy if President Barack Obama was republican and white.

The sole reason why Paul Ryan discredits this number isn't because of the terms and policies on how the legislation was written-it was on the sole principle that President Obama happens to be half black. And that theory and notion that black men can't be that smart in economics. Well, I am a volunteer that helps marginalize some of the economic interest that we see in some of President Obama's economic Policy. And if you getting a 2.5 to 1 rate on investments-then who cares what type of pigment in the person's skin brought that turn-a-round it should be celebrated as a great achievement. Obama 3 -conservatives 1

If you think President Obama is doing wrong with the economy, just take a look at these important facts. In 2009 in February the Dow Jones Industrial was at 9,000 points. It fell from 10,500 to 8,000 points in the late summer. Where millions of jobs had been lost? Today the Dow Jones Industrial is now approaching 13,000 points in the stock market. That's a huge increase from 8,000 points to 13,000 points and improving. And even though the middle class has seen stable economic growth, we are looking at marginal increase for the middle class if the road map is unchanged. I know people are not happy, but pulling the rug just to score points, and make sure that someone fails is not the answer to a robust American economy. Winner President Obama, for leading and jumping on every issue.

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