Monday, October 3, 2011

Omar Dyer OP-ED: Court

This has been a challenging moment for Omar Dyer, and after getting his petitions thrown out for the third time. And a move that violated all federal charters, Omar Dyer case was selected to go before the People's Court and Hudson County judicial system refused to allow the case to be moved outside of their jurisdiction because they wanted to protect employees. Corruption or Politics -- Hudson County is known for it!

Omar Dyer's letter to the People's Court.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Omar Dyer's Declaration Letter to Hudson County

Office of the City Clerk
C/O Robert Byrne
C/O Jersey City Council
280 Grove Street
Jersey City NJ 07302
Hudson County Clerk's Office
Clerk Barbara A. Netchert
Hudson County Plaza 4th Floor
257 Cornelison Avenue
Jersey City, NJ 07302

Private / Public advocate
Letter of Declaration

Dear: Robert Byrne, and Barbara A. Netchert,

This is an official notice and declaration of our participation in the local municipal elections. And after filing our petitions with the Hudson County Clerk’s office and with respect to federal election laws from the Federal Election Commission: Coaches! 101 (PAC) a sole-trading political organization, acting on behalf of Omar Dyer, is now sending these monitoring assemblies – this letter of declaration and notice of a completion of signatures to complete in Jersey City’s municipal elections this November 8, 2011.

Omar Dyer is a candidate for public office in Jersey City, and Coaches! 101 has to endorse his candidacy since: Omar Dyer is a sole-trading participant in our political organization. And with respect to campaign laws, a sole-trader can’t step down, and must announce and declare their candidacy, plus report to the local authorities, that Coaches! 101 (PAC) during any state or municipal election cycle is acting as one: Omar Dyer – and will file reports as one: Coaches! 101 and Omar Dyer with the Hudson County Clerk office, and Jersey City municipal office. And with respect to the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission, and it’s new laws – this monitoring board will be given to of the same reports. One for Omar Dyer as a candidate, and the other for Omar Dyer’s Coaches! 101 (PAC) as a sole-trading participant in the general election.

Thank You:
Omar Dyer
PO Box 4463
Jersey City NJ 07304

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Blog: Donation for Political Campaigns

Omar Dyer is hosting a fundraiser and it's his first one in his political career. Well his first event on record that he is sponsoring for himself -- in a political run in Jersey City's municipal election. Omar Dyer was a write / type in candidate for New Jersey's governor's race -- after being placed on the ballot in the wrong office with the board of elections. He's a former candidate for New Jersey's 13th district congressional race, where he was challenged off the ballot by Jeff Boss.

Omar Dyer was asked to make an inquiry about running in Jersey City's special election -- when Jersey Journal (a newspaper in Jersey City, New Jersey) made his intentions public. Now Omar Dyer has launched an online campaign and brining in a radio personality to spark his campaign.

Omar Dyer is looking to raise or make an attempt to raise $8,000 to $10,000 for his sole trade business account with Coaches! 101 (PAC) where everyone knows that this business that has engaged in political activities are having serious troubles with compensation from the Internal Revenue Services, and H&R Block -- where over 3 years of time: Omar Dyer and Coaches! 101 has paid H&R Block more than $2500 to offer business solutions, where the Internal Revenue Service hasn't paid the return.

Yes, this is a fundraiser for Omar Dyer, but everyone knows this is an event to save Omar Dyer's business and political career. A career that people have tried to stop before it got started.

Here's a campaign letter with a link about Omar Dyer's fundraiser:

Dear Friends;

You can now buy tickets to The Next Generation of Leaders Fundraiser – with special quest host Checka Chee from C&C Entertainment, All Radio, and ATL 105 at 1 Republic Bar and grill in Hoboken New Jersey : 221 Washington Street.

Omar Dyer is trying to Turn The Tide in Jersey City, and in Hudson County – he’s a political activist and a private public advocate. This fundraiser is the first political fundraiser for Omar Dyer’s political campaign, and we are inviting you to join us – in celebration of a political career just starting.

You can now donate online, and tickets are now on sale for $40 per plate. And you will have a chance to meet and greet Omar Dyer, listen to his political agenda – and participate in a grassroots movement.

The Deadline for purchasing tickets is September 21st 2011 after that the door price is subjected to change. The price is $40 per plate before September 21st and subject to change at the door.

Three ways to donate and all of them are online -- go to our page at: Coaches! 101 Fundraiser Page for this event

Contribute Now

Paid For By: Coaches! 101 (PAC) PO Box 4463 Jersey City NJ 07304

Editor's Note:

If you don't know about Omar Dyer, he was one of Senator Barack Obama's big fundraiser in New Jersey -- helped organize a massive fundraising organization, and became a symbol for a Next Generation of Leadership. Such a creditable and great career -- is now fighting for survival, because he became an organizer for a president. I am going to attend this event, and pay the $40 only because of the fact that good people should be rewarded for what they do.

The Editor of this blog doesn't share the complete view of all of the representatives incorporated with this server, and blog. Coaches! 101 has over 10,000 participants, and are not subjected to the associate editor's comments. If you want to learn more about this event check it out on facebook Omar Dyer's Fundraiser with Checka Chee

If you would like to support Omar Dyer -- connect with him on facebook: Omar Dyer or Omar Dyer's political page

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Team Fulop

Steven Fulop 2013’s Mayor:

In all press releases, and all morning wakes—the Battle with Mayor Jerramiah Healy and prospect to be Mayor: Steve Fulop, has dealt another mighty blow; to Team Healy. Steve in local elections is changing Jersey City, in an open honest government move. Fulop supported committee candidates of 120 people all looking to set balance the democratic committee. Jersey City holds 360 committee members. Team Fulop set an unprecedented move by single sweeping 60 seats on the committee that holds seats in Jersey City. And among his hardest and biggest defeats where, Mayor Jerramiah Healy’s wife losing her seat on the committee. Also, knocked from the rank and file ranks was Bill Guaghan’s daughter – whom saw her long standing on the committee now gone?

Fulop in a small press conference stated that –“For the first time in many years, and this has never happened before, the Hudson County Democratic Organization was spending money on committee people. They were sending out mailings with committee people’s names on them—they were sending out robot-calls to support committee people. Even state Senator Richard Cody was calling to give support to committee members. And the commitment I (Steven Fulop) am trying to make is a grassroots movement of activist and ordinary people. And our fight has basically taken out a large number of members. Now last year on that committee we had one person, fighting against the others saying—no don’t vote for this person because it’s wrong. This year we will have 100 people in that room making their voices heard. To me that’s pretty impressive.”

It is impressive to have that much influence and take a huge shift in Jersey City politics. And Let me be the first to say: Steve Fulop is the front runner in 2013’s election, and just by popular demand on how he is bringing fire to Mayor Healy in election after election—after election, shows that his team will be very tough. Fulop now has a full team in every part of Jersey City. And is looking to be more of a huge force than he was back in 2009! Fulop this time around has more clots, more people and a better base – he’s not just the councilman of ward E anymore. In 2013, Omar Dyer will be voting for Steven Fulop.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Omar Dyer OP-ED

These are the letters of communication to the local news. Unfortunately, none of the good stories written by Omar Dyer ever make it to the main stream. And yes this is a blog--yet why buy a newspaper when you can get the news directly from the source.

Here's an email sent to the Jersey Journal on Thursday Talking about Crime in Jersey City.

Mayor Healy needs a new crime policy!
Thursday, June 2, 2011 12:12 PM
From: "Omar dyer"
Bcc: "Omar Dyer"

After the shooting death of Marine CPT. Anthony Adams during Memorial Day Weekend and Fleet Week in a carjacking—in Ward (F)! The people of Jersey City needs healing, hope and jobs. Crime is hurting the perception of Jersey City, and something needs to be done. I have been a six year resident of this town, and living in Jersey City has been troublesome and tough because of the vigils and the funerals – the friends of family members crying, and asking for support—bleaks the need and urgency to change something.

As a national activist; one that has traveled the country fighting for just for the oppressed. Fighting for the youth of Jersey City has been one of the hardest battles I have ever encountered. And during this six year run, the young adults are getting complacent and use to this level of crime and ignorance—coming from Mayor Healy’s administration. And when teens growing into adults see that life in a crime filtered neighborhood is normal, the city becomes a liability. More-over, when the city is in the negative thinking with lots of crime or perception of crime moving throughout the city – people and business tend to leave. And those that don’t leave tend to segregate from the rest of the town.

Jersey City has a problem and the current policies in place are not built or made to solve this problem. It takes communities and education willing to stand up and solve the problem. And it takes serious recreational programs, of education, sports – extracurricular activities, faith based, and financial healing. Where jobs, education and innovation are created? Mayor Healy has led an administration based on donations, and that’s sad because those who are the biggest donors never stay around to develop the community.

In Jersey City, businesses are being cheated, and developers or developing minds are frustrated with the policies of this administration. Jersey City is being held hostage to self-serving political patronage creeds. And I am being nice with the words; Mayor Healy has laid off 280 people in 2009—just to give Kevin Lyons a $14,000 raise. He will layoff more than 108 municipal workers in order to give Steve Lipski a $65,000 raise from $1, (when noted Lipski was going to get $128,000 from $1) at the end of June!

This administration has turned a 30-year program (UEZ) Urban Enterprise Zone fund, and the Economic Development Center into a political ponzi scheme. Now we tend to lose these services, because political hacks—mismanaged the programs annual budget, to where it’s now $26 million in the tank – as the city of Jersey City only brings in $6 million in grants from federal or state aid. And that’s why our budget is $477 million and in trouble, with a $108 million dollar gap. While Team Healy makes $3 million to make our lives miserable.

Omar Dyer (Jersey City / Hoboken)
Democratic National Committee Member
Political Activist with Coaches! 101


Omar Dyer's letter to the editor was sent to Jersey Journal, and never published. In fact Omar Dyer over the last 7 years have been sending letters to the editor from Jersey City: whereas, TheFanNJ was a freelance writer for the Newark Starledger, and the Jersey Journal itself. Over the course of weeks we will release all letters of Communications from Omar Dyer to the Jersey Journal and the StarLedger. And we recommend that you read online blogs. Why pay for something when you can read it online for free--if the paid news won't report the good stuff, read an award nominated writer online.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


On May 25, 2011; Jersey City’s council which is structured with elected leaders like: Council President Peter M. Brennan; Kalimah H. Ahmad, Radames Velazquez Jr. – Micheal J. Scottolano, David P. Donnelly, Nidia R. Lopez, William A. Gaughan, Steve Fulop, and Viola Richardson. The council comprised of Team Healy; a mayor who hand feeds his legislative agenda, voted against Steven Fulop’s proposals to consolidate the Department of Cultural Affairs (RES. 11-309), and the Jersey City Economic Development Center (RES. 11-308).

The all ganged up on the lone wolf council representative – on his tally against what practices needs to be done. Now on RES. 11-309, Jersey City shouldn’t be consolidating this department, without making concessions. Since a city as large as Jersey City can be harmed if they shifted the responsibilities to Hudson County. And Fulop, does make a point; If Jersey City is paying twice for these services – then one has to give. And maybe Steve Fulop should propose a resolution that would abolish the dual paying jobs within the county. Jobs that are no show, or no rewards or payment but you as a tax payer would pay twice.

This blog isn’t a positive for the councilman – one this blog isn’t on his payroll: two, the councilman very rarely or never supports anything this blog does. This blog is truly independent – and grassroots, because we don’t finance anyone’s campaign. This blog doesn’t care who is in charge, and don’t support two face political leaders. Leaders that engage in political discrimination in public with coding and secret resolutions!

Now on the Jersey City Economic Development Center, the people running the show have no-clue on what they are doing. Is running a romped scheme to jargonize and monopolize the entire city of Jersey City – whereas they are increasing the tax value, with greed and nepotism. The Urban Enterprise Zone was a low cost system of services that didn’t exceed its rules of the pension plans for fire fighters, and police officers—or place burdens on small businesses property taxes.

In six years the Urban Enterprise Zone has tripled or doubled its use – whereas it over exceeds the rated value set during the Jim McGreevy administration. And Jersey City was naturally high on developing through the Urban Enterprise Zone – because it was great low interest rates loans. Yet, Mayor Healy and his administration manage to mishandle the functions – how the funds are incorporated, and use theses services to pony up dual stipend jobs higher than the market rate for companies. The non-profit that doesn’t have functions and ties to the city of Jersey City but ask on behalf of the city—can’t or doesn’t control the rates of loans provided by the independent company!

I have had my battles with the Urban Enterprise Zone: and raise a couple of questions – what makes this company that is a non-profit, and gets general funding for it services that doesn’t contribute to the tax burdens of the city – any better than the same smaller company that actually does. Coaches! 101 is a not-for-profit company, which pays more than its fair share of taxes. And to note or say one person is better than the other because of political clot—only bleeds and speaks corruption. I remember when the JCEDC tried it very best to close this blog down – and now it our turn to fight the oppressor.

Yet, In order to save the Urban Enterprise Zone would mean that New Jersey’s Governor Chris Christie would have to place into effect the Millionaires Tax. And the Windfall Profits Tax on energy companies – a levy that paid for such services these desperados take advantage of – must be approved by the Governor. Now why would Governor Chris Christie continue to feed a system that rewards: NO show jobs, no reward on double taxation – and a dispersion of public trust? As people say time in and time out – there’s nothing wrong with the UEZ funds; whereas the only problem with it is the people running it. And in my honest opinion; taxes are high not because we are over taxed. They are high because political leaders have ponzied a scheme to benefit the well connected. Hudson County is the ruler of double tax paying jobs – it’s the king of allowing or forcing political bribes, and it’s the plague for corruption stings.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hudson County Elections

Hudson County Political showdown

We want you to know who your leaders – running for office, are and where they stand or platforms they have created. Since in Hudson County, this is considered the superbowl of politics. Starting at the peninsula city and the state’s second largest city (Bayonne and Jersey City) -- Sandra Bolden Cunningham, who is running on the ticket: Hudson County Democratic Organization. Her Democratic Challenger is Bruce D. Alston – who is running on the ticket of: Believe In The Vote.

In recent polling data, from independent sources—which includes phone banking, email chatter, and organized committee members. Sandra Cunningham has a 4-1 edge on the would be challenger. And her record of helping those in need has mounted her election. She has state very quiet in this effort, and has campaigned on what she knows and does.

Bruce Alston, is really unknown plus known as a one ward candidate. People don’t know much about his political endeavors—where he came from, and mostly know he is a small business owner in ward (F) of Jersey City. Some of the older generation says he is out of touch with the roles and rules of government.

On the Republican ticket an unchallenged Donnamarie James, who is running on the ticket: Hudson County Republican Party; in a challenge that has been called weak. My question is what happen to Marie Day.

The 31 district once one of the strongest districts in Hudson County has plumped in popularity. Maybe during the General Election we will have more challengers. But overall, Sandra Cunningham may hold onto control of this and will win big – unless Bruce Alston can organize a grassroots campaign or garnish support for leaders in the county they respect.

In the 33rd District, which is nothing exciting—where Nicolas Saaco has ranging control, where he is now the Mayor of North Bergen, and will be the State Senator since nobody is challenging him. And the only challenge to be in the Democratic Party is Jeff Boss—the guy who say George W. Bush and the NSA is trying to kill him.

And in the Democratic Ticket for the 32nd there are no challengers for Mayor Brain Stack (Democratic) and Republican Beth Humburger—so this primary election will be boring, no political fights or maneuvering.

For your Assembly Ticket

The 31rst district has nobody to challenge or worry about as Charlie Manior, and Jason O’Donnell will still have open spaces left. And this district is weak and boring; since nobody knows what Manior has done—and feels that O’Donnell is an over paid political hack with 3 government stipend jobs.

As on the Republican Ticket, we have all new challengers with no Marie Day (Committee woman) yet we have an unchallenged Daniel E. Beckelman, and Michael J. Alonso—another boring run in Hudson County.

Moving on the 32rd a very competitive race—where there should have been one of these candidates facing Nick Saaco. Vincent Prieto , and Angelica M. Jimenez, running under the HDCO ticket, will faceoff against -- Francisco E. Torres. And no challengers in the Republican slate for Michael J. Bartulovich, and Ronald F. Tarolla.

For the 33rd where we have Connors and Ramos Jr. against Bahilla, and unchallenged Republicans Fernando Uribe, and Christopher Garcia.

So this year Hudson County Politics failed to endorse or support a positive ticket, and making people wonder – why do we need primaries in the state of New Jersey for local elections.

County Offices

(see below)

Office of County Executive/Democratic Candidate:

Thomas A. DeGise

402 New York Avenue

Jersey City, NJ 07307

Office Sought: County Executive

Designation: Hudson County Democratic Organization

Office of County Executive/Republican Candidate:

Stephen M. DeLuca

72 Zabriskie Street, Apt 2

Jersey City, NJ 07307

Office Sought: County Executive

Designation: Hudson County Republican Party

Office of County Register/Democratic Candidate:

Pamela Gardner

299 Chapel Avenue

Jersey City, NJ 07305

Office Sought: County Register

Designation: Hudson County Democratic Organization

Office of County Register/Republican Candidate:

Edith Jorge

4401 Smith Avenue, Apt. 2D

North Bergen, NJ 07047

Office Sought: County Register

Designation: Hudson County Republican Party

Office of Freeholder/District One/Democratic Candidate:

Doreen McAndrew DiDomenico

891 Kennedy Blvd.

Bayonne, NJ 07002

Office Sought: Freeholder/District One

Designation: Hudson County Democratic Organization

No Republican Filed

Office of Freeholder/District Two/Democratic Candidate:

William O’Dea

143 Mallory Avenue

Jersey City, NJ 07304

Office Sought: Freeholder/District Two

Designation: Hudson County Democratic Organization

No Republican Filed

Office of Freeholder/District Three/Democratic Candidates:

Jeffrey Dublin

204 Linden Avenue

Jersey City, NJ 07305

Office Sought: Freeholder/District Three

Designation: Hudson County Democratic Organization

Arnold B. Williams

3 Skyline Drive

Jersey City, NJ 07305

Office Sought: Freeholder/District Three

Designation: Press Forward In 2011 For Twenty Twelve

No Republican Filed

Office of Freeholder/District Four/ Democratic Candidate:

Eliu Rivera

72-82 Henry Street

Jersey City, NJ 07306

Office Sought: Freeholder/District Four

Designation: Hudson County Democratic Organization

No Republican Filed

Office of Freeholder/District Five/Democratic Candidate:

Anthony L. Romano

2 Marine View Plaza, Apt. 22A

Hoboken, NJ 07030

Office Sought: Freeholder/District Five

Designation: Hudson County Democratic Organization

No Republican Filed

Office of Freeholder/District Six/Democratic Candidate:

Tilo E. Rivas

1200 Central Avenue

Union City, NJ 07087

Office Sought: Freeholder/District Six

Designation: Hudson County Democratic Organization

No Republican Filed

Office of Freeholder/District Seven/Democratic Candidate:

Jose C. Munoz

6112 Harrison Place

West New York, NJ 07093

Office Sought: Freeholder/District Seven

Designation: Hudson County Democratic Organization

No Republican Filed

Office of Freeholder/District Eight/Democratic Candidate:

Thomas F. Liggio

1300-89th Street

North Bergen, NJ 07047

Office Sought: Freeholder/District Eight

Designation: Hudson County Democratic Organization

No Republican Filed

Office of Freeholder/District Nine/Democratic Candidate:

Albert J. Cifelli

16 Bennett Avenue

Kearny, NJ 07032

Office Sought: Freeholder/District Nine

Designation: Hudson County Democratic Organization

Office of Freeholder/District Nine Republican Candidate:

Paul H. Castelli

696 Passaic Avenue

Kearny, NJ 07032

Office Sought: Freeholder/District Nine

Designation: Hudson County Republican Party

Borough of East Newark

Office of Mayor/Democratic Candidate:

Joseph R. Smith

407 John Street

East Newark, NJ 07029

Office Sought: Mayor

Designation: Hudson County Democratic Organization

No Republican Filed

Office of Council-at-Large/Democratic Candidates:

Hans Peter Lucas

41 President Street

East Newark, NJ 07029

Office Sought: Council-at-Large

Designation: Hudson County Democratic Organization

Jeanne Zincavage

242 Grant Avenue

East Newark, NJ 07029

Office Sought: Council-at-Large

Designation: Hudson County Democratic Organization

No Republican Filed

Town of Harrison

Office of Council/First Ward/Democratic Candidate:

Caroline Mandaglio

317 Williams Street

Harrison, NJ 07029

Office Sought: Council/First Ward

Designation: Hudson County Democratic Organization

No Republican Filed

Office of Council/Second Ward/Democratic Candidates:

Victor Villalta

513 Bergen Street

Harrison, NJ 07029

Office Sought: Council/Second Ward

Designation: Keep Harrison Moving Forward

Erik Brachman

201 Dey Street, Apt. 123

Harrison, NJ 07029
Office Sought: Council/Second Ward

Designation: Smart Growth Through Intelligence and Integrity

No Republican Filed

Office of Council/Third Ward/Democratic Candidate:

Francisco Nascimento

34 S. 5th Street, Apt. 2

Harrison, NJ 07029

Office Sought: Council/Third Ward

Designation: Hudson County Democratic Organization

No Republican Filed

Office of Council/Fourth Ward/Democratic Candidate:

Michael T. Dolaghan

761 William Street

Harrison, NJ 07029

Office Sought: Council/Fourth Ward

Designation: Hudson County Democratic Organization

No Republican Filed

*Looks like this year will be a boring year for elections -- since there's noboby creative enough to draw out any candidates. Sparking the debate -- why would we or do we need a Primary Elections at the local levels.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

HANDS Program

Here is the Letter sent to Mayor Healy -- Robert Bryne and leaders in New Jersey on the HANDS Program.


This letter and email is being sent to talk about the process of using HUD funds under this program : FY 2010 TI: Homeless Families Demonstration Small Grant, US Department of Housing and Urban Development; CFDA Number: 14.525 CFDA Description: Transformation Initiative Research Grants: Demonstration and Related Small Grants, Opportunity Number: FR-5415-N-23A, Competition ID: HFDSMR-23A, Opportunity Open Date: 04/08/11: Opportunity Close Date: 05/11/11: Agency Contact: Applicants may contact Elizabeth Rudd at (202) 402-7607. Persons with speech or hearing impairments may call the Federal Information Relay Service TTY at (800) 877-8339.

Coaches! 101 are asking the City of Jersey City in helping and assisting to apply and approve of the appropriate of this program with a private to public partnership. And using the private system of where the Department of Finance can bond out the moneys to our program to infuse H.A.N.D.S. (Helping Assist Neighborhoods Demanding Support). Coaches! 101 have 4 sets of fundraising options after the fact on this award being awarded. The property has been abandoned for more than 4 years—where nothing has been in place to redevelop such properties. This agenda has an application date set for 05/11/2011 to apply, and Coaches! 101 has applied for this program. We are asking the city of Jersey City to approve of the plan—with budget details, on either bonding out the funds, in order for this program to be enacted—and credited on Coaches! 101 (PAC)’s 1120 reports. This plan is a win—win for Jersey City, because it take an online company and turn it into a commodity of valued assets, redevelops an abandon property—through tax credits or tax deductions, and brings value and public / private services to the community. Robert, thank you for the help, and I hope you become a valued advocate for this agenda, because it would be a valued plus for Jersey City and Coaches! 101.

P.S. The Property isn’t bank owned – doesn’t have a real estate dealer owning the property and Coaches! 101 have been approved by the NJ State banking and Regulatory Department to have home – legal, auto and health insurance provider. And as a full liability corporation Political Action Committee we are a firm that has the same rights as a bank and real estate agency.

Paid For by Omar Dyer CEO of Coaches! 101 / Coaches! 101 PO Box 4463 Jersey City NJ 07304 – 160 Thorne Street Jersey City, NJ 07304— (201)208-4533

Master Plan sent to Jersey City's Clerk Office:

Office of the Mayor
Office of City Clerk
280 Grove St
Jersey City NJ 07302

City Hall—Office of the Mayor: Master Plan

Master Plan on Development

The plan for Coaches! 101 are to redevelop an abandoned un-used non-appraised property, and apply for assistance from the City of Jersey City in Bonds at a rate of 4%, and apply for the funds from HUD. As a Political Action Committee—any contribution to the committee as a whole will be reported on our 1120 return statements. Our plan is to ask the city to bond out the property, and use the tax credits as a private / public entity to control and share cost. While the city of Jersey City gains a profit in the mix.

On Martin Luther King Jr. Drive – 479 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive there is an abandoned building, with no real estate agency developing the product, no insurance company developing the product, no appraisal on record besides what the Department of Housing and Urban Development gives out for broken and abandoned properties—which is $75,000. While the banking industry hasn’t been able or is unwilling to buy the property, reinvest in the property, or give financial solutions on redeveloping the property.

Coaches! 101 (PAC) plans to incorporate H.A.N.D.S. program – which is Helping Assist Neighborhoods Demanding Support – with a community center, and a business solution center. The Community Center will be a one stop solution for the working poor, on assisting them on finding jobs, and other solutions—where the one stop center wasn’t able or couldn’t help because of resources, and demand. Be a safe house for those who are working homeless, and assist them with fiscal needs. Plus give Coaches! 101 a business place of residence instead of being an online vendor.

Hiring Practices

We plan to hire local contractors or independent contractors that live in Jersey City, using the workforce tax credit—once, the city of Jersey City bond, donate or lease in business favor of Coaches! 101 (PAC) business proposals. The practice of hiring Jersey City contractors would be placed in the budget submitted to the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Focus of Project

The Project will not be some make shift or community uplifting project. It will help lessen the burdens of the taxpaying citizens, bring value to an abandon building on the block-revive a community setting, and give help to the community begging for needs. In the Community Housing Center, there would be a source of broadband services – staffing for those individuals in need, and education.

We have talked to the director of the Revelopment Center and was stated this project would need city approval after an application was submitted to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. We have spoken to Darnice Toon from Jersey City’s Department of Urban Development, and no-such response has been forseen. As problems like abandon buildings and warned down properties that deflat the vaules of other homes throughout the city. Our plan is simple, we are looking for a no-money down voucher payment waiver—whereas the city of Jersey City bonds out $75,000 from the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the selected address of the project called H.A.N.D.S. Which will allow the state registered insurance company #4916537 under Coaches! 101 A NJ Non-Profit state license # 0400172435 sucure funds and assist families in need.

Dr. Omar Dyer is a sole trader whom has fully disclosed his political intentions, financial disclousure forms, and draw back on how he will re-pay the bond or tax deduction/ credit. He has publicly won unpaid contracts on the federal level in recent attemps where his company Dun & Bradstreet credit report has this company’s grant and bonding rating in the top percentile.
Thank You

Coaches! 101 CEO Omar Dyer: PO Box 4463 Jersey City NJ, 07304 registered by the state of New Jersey to practice civil insurance as a Public Notary at Law.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dyer v John Jack Kelly

Jersey City NJ’s Revaluation plan is a side show to promote a higher calling for the Hudson County Executive. And to make points on the practices of Solomon Dwek still exist. Whereas the current adjustable rates for the city of Jersey City are currently off on its assessment. In 1988 when the city was assessed the property taxes where at $1.6 million, and in 20 or more years the tax rate is now $4 million—that’s more than a 85% increase on municipal taxes, and a 15% decrease on federal aid. Which is pretty amazing because of the levels of abandon properties and abated buildings? Jersey City Tax Assessor Ed Toloza stated: “Most properties are valued on how much it takes in and not the overall surrounding. And most investors would value the take in proportions of the property.” Which is absolutely wrong, as noted a property that is openly abandon, and unused will bring down the value of the block, increase the rate on what the city can collect, and weaken the property no matter how much in revenue spending the higher earning tax block brings in. For instance 314 Communipaw Ave draws almost $2.2 million in revenues, and pays the city of Jersey City in average of $200,000 in adjusted taxes which is 22% on the tax rate--while the state askes for 30%. And since many of those properties are abated, its that notion where they aren’t obligated to pay, if revenues are down. And right now many abated tax blocks don’t pay a dime in property taxes, and many taxed homes like small business, and sole traders are getting cheated.

The Hudson County Executive’s office requested the state to give a revaluation assessment on Jersey City. Where they will be going block by block to revaluate homes. Where many will see their property taxes and home valuations go up or down. Since right now there are 51680 tax payers, and 8776 tax exempted—while an unreported 2,000 abandoned. Realty Appraisal Company said they would assess the property to its actual value. And they basically presented themselves to the public as the company who will control the value of your home, and report to the tax assessor on what they should charge you on the adjusted rates and proportion setting on what the city views as a tax increase—or decrease. Yet, what people don’t know is that if there aren’t any sales on your block—no matter what the evaluation really is, they will assess that property to the value on the books, and make your block radius tax assesment will go up or down. I say that the revaluation process for Jersey City is needed, and many people’s taxes will go down, yet my concern is what about the properties that have lack of sales. And nobody can answer that question! It was a side show to promote the company called Realty Appraisal Company.

What we learned from this side show was the notion that 101 Hudson St Jersey City NJ was assessed on pennies on the dollar, sold for $1.6 million with abatements, and gives the city of Jersey City $2.5 million in terms of taxing revenue, when it should be $5.4 million. Meaning the building manager and property owner of 101 Hudson st, hasn’t paid its fair share on how the city pays social services. Municipal and Social Services meaning – schools, road repairs, cops, fire fighters, municipal employees, and social services: such as welfare, unemployment, block grants, and self employment tax credits. And Jersey City has the most in the nation of 30 year abated properties. And the people are asking for something to change.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Letter to Governor Mario Cuomo

Public Advocate Omar Dyer is now asking NY's Governor Mario Cuomo to reconsider his (BAN) on what he calls Special Interest Groups, (Elected Leaders) and Public Advocates. Saying, a full out ban isn't the solution—tough legislation is the solution, whereas a full out ban is political discrimination.

Dear Governor Mario Cuomo
From Public Advocate Omar Dyer

I don't see the importance to this legislation (where you are banning lobbyist and public advocates or special interest) -- it really doesn't make sense. You can’t ban the growth of business opportunities because a selected few don't see eye to eye. Banning non-paid public advocates from setting up public firms, and creating innovation; plus participating with government on technology—isn't the approach to winning the future.

Sure pay to play comes abroad but the best way to rule out pay to play— is to force appointed, elected; or lobbyist to fully disclose their intentions, on why they are lobbying or advocating for funds. Like for instance, if a scientist invented the latest creation in solar panels, and government steals that inventor’s idea—who is to pay that inventor. Not the lobbyist, they are banned by political leaders with agendas, not the elected official—they want campaign donations. The only ones that grant patents are government agencies, and the only way to get funding from a government agency is to be an advocate, elected leader, or a registered lobbyist.

So the best way to deal with them is to have them disclose their intentions, and disclose how much they will be paid for helping. You just can't ban something because you disagree with them. We fought the Revolutionary War to allow farmers and inventors, that basic right to sell their information to government. And have government repay them for their indentured service, and this country is no-longer free, labor is a show of life.

A full out ban on these basic services, will make attorney generals, and court appointed lawyers more frustrated with cases that are over whelming because scientist or others couldn’t afford the price tag at the bank. And imagine a scientist going to a bank with an idea, and no basic help. That scientist will be turned away at the door, and his idea maybe stolen. The role of a Governor is to encourage business, scientist and artist to explore and engage in arts. And have their ideas protected by someone who knows the system. Manly a lobbyist or a public advocate, and to ban what you call special interest groups, when federal law requires, a non-profit, business, publicly owned private companies to have a registered lobbyist, or advocate on their staff if they want to sell their products, or engage in commerce; is certainly bad business. And as a public advocate for the people, I will take on a challenge that bans business. I am not afraid of tough rules and regulations, but I am totally against full bans. A ban on something is political discrimination period, and I will fight that no matter who is in charge—where ever these types of discrimination take place.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fire John "Jack" Kelly

The People would like the Jack Kelly experiment too come to an end. We lobbied in December to save these jobs. When David Donnelly (Incumbent) was running for office in a 2010's special election as Team Healy’s first campaign show-down; whereas we lobbied against his candidacy! Omar Dyer went on a one man protest, shadowing every move made by the councilman.

The Councilman (David Donnelly) professed that he would word hard to stop these types of Lay-offs. And his campaign made serious pledges that these types of actions will not and can’t happen on his watch. Yet, in a meeting at 280 Grove Street Jersey City, NJ 07302; the council and president of Jersey City’s council, made a bold statement “The city is working hard to make ends meet, and because of the snow—we may have to lay off workers.” That was released in the Jersey Journal, yet on record in council chatter, where and which everyone can hear—he stated: “Bill, if anyone can do any better tell them to come forward.”

That was a challenge national / city activist and Hudson County Democratic National Committee Organizer of the state of New Jersey—gladly took. Omar Dyer, lobbied Congress for Emergency Funds, and with the help of New Jersey’s State Senator Mike Sweeny, who place New Jersey in a state of emergency; helped the public advocate to educate congress on the increasing problems happening in New Jersey. And through the Roads, and Hazard conditions, plus with FEMA—New Jersey was awarded $20 million—whereas Jersey City NJ, was given $1.3 million. And the emphasis was to save current jobs, and on hiring new employees. Jersey City failed to bring in New Employment, and nobody can explain where the $1.3 million went, or how it was spent.

Come this June 2011, Jersey City wills lay-off those workers, in a 108 massive employee lay-off, in order to save $6 million dollars. Yet, what Jack Kelly isn’t telling you is the underlining notion, that Jack Kelly submitted a budget to the council worth $447 million dollars. Thus losing with a wipe of the pen of an $80 million dollar budget gap—which includes obligated spending! Spending that the city has to pay for but can’t find sources or doesn’t want to raise taxes on municipal increases to justify means to pay for them! And how does Jack Kelly monitor the spending decreases or cut to the budget – which is (Don’t Include them, even though the spending is there), so he can say: “Jersey City cut the budget, when in reality—it didn’t.”

Omar Dyer is calling for Jersey City to step up to the plate, and fire Jack Kelly. Omar Dyer if needed will organize a Petition Drive to Fire Jack Kelly. And to replace Jack Kelly with a system wide search with in Jersey City. And have a candidate that the city respects run the business affairs of the city. One who will find ways to save jobs, not send people to the county welfare office, or welfare office completely?

Omar Dyer is also, asking and sending request to Jersey City’s Council which is lead by Council President Peter Brennan, Council Representative Bill Gaughan, Council Representative Nidia Lopez, newly appointed Council Representative Kalimah Ahmad, Council Representative David Donnelly, Council Representative Viola Richardson, Council representative Ray Velazquez, Council Representative Steve Fulop, Council Representative Michael Sottolano: “To attend or make un-announced stops to the social services departments in Hudson County, like the County Welfare, and regular welfare offices, and see how many people are currently and now on those programs—who normally wouldn’t be there if the city provided better resources for job creation, and public employment.

Omar Dyer released a statement to Coaches! 101’s blog: “Jersey City’s Jack Kelly has played make shift games with the city budget at the expense of city residents. And his political games, of decreasing a budget at the expense of the people—don’t work in a city with this large of a population. Instead of crashing jobs, to make it seem like the city is saving money; the role of the business director is to promote private expansion. Not lay people off send them to social services, with no plan of re-entry, is bad management. And to place a $5 million dollar estuary account—where the council doesn’t control, but have to approve; so Jack Kelly can spend it in anyway he can—without anyone monitoring him, is a slap in the face to the 108 people he plans to lay-off.”

Coaches! 101’s Political Action Committee would like to see Jack Kelly removed from his post. This was a temporary post, until the city found someone with in the city that was interested in the job. Omar Dyer has already submitted his application to be on Mayor Jerramiah Healy’s advisory board – whereas Mayor Jerramiah Healy has stated, he wanted to speak to Mr. Omar Dyer on this action, and wanted Omar Dyer to prove he can handle the enforcement. Omar Dyer during those times, has proven he can handle the cities massive budgets, and will do it with the best interest of the people. Coaches! 101 is now placing on notice that we plan to draft and file a petition to remove Jack Kelly – or call for Mayor Jerramiah Healy to fire Jack Kelly. And under state laws, this is a citizen’s action, not a recall – so the required numbers to file for this petition will be 100. And since Jack Kelly didn’t run in an election, our organization can file a 100 petition from the people within the city on issues about firing Jack Kelly. Coaches! 101 will send a letter of notice, with a proclamation asking the City of Jersey City to respect this organization’s wishes – plus allow our principal program to conduct the survey. And then will in three months time, file the petition (none election) on the city removing Jack Kelly from office.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Congressional Tax Cheats 2011

While the Congress debates on what to do with helping the poor -- the members in congress, have one thing on their hands. A lot of them are about helping themselves -- in an era where people have lost their homes, and are losing that right to own a condo. Becaue of serious budget cut -- why are 13 house republicans voting on an amendment that would end the same things they take full advantage of.

As Americans file their taxes in advance of Tax Day, at least 17 House Republicans have current or past tax problems, public records and news reports show. While Republicans lecture Americans about fiscal responsibility, reducing the deficit, and balancing the budget, some of these same House Republicans have failed to fulfill their personal responsibility: paying their taxes. The current and past tax problems of at least 17 House Republicans are an eye-opening demonstration of their hypocrisy. If House Republicans want to be taken seriously about their commitment to fiscal responsibility and balancing the budget, they should start by practicing what they preach.


AL-03: Mike Rogers: Under a special program, District of Columbia taxpayers who own a home in the city and use it as their principal residence receive a $67,500 reduction on the assessed value of their home. In 2009, this deduction would have saved the eligible taxpayer at least $573.75. The program additionally caps the increase of future home assessments, potentially reaping larger savings to the taxpayer over time. In 2009, Roll Call reported that Rogers—who represents Alabama in Congress—improperly received this tax benefit. That year, Rogers’ home was assessed at $747,000, with a taxable value of $680,000.

Although the buyer of a property is required to declare if they are eligible for the exemption, and regularly receive notices about the savings they earn under the deduction, a spokesperson for the D.C. Office of Tax and Revenue claimed that Rogers was receiving the benefit in error and had not applied for it. Roll Call’s examination of sales documents, however, reveal that the Congressman filed contradictory information about his intention to receive the deduction. At the time of the report, D.C.’s Real Property Tax Administration claimed the lawmaker would receive a bill for the back taxes. [Roll Call, 3/25/09]

AZ-01: Paul Gosar: From tax year 1999 to 2009, Gosar paid his property taxes late twelve times and incurred a total of $2,928.06 in interest on his delinquent tax payments. Gosar also paid the property taxes on his dental practice late nine times and incurred $2,798.86 in interest on those late payments. [Coconino County Treasurer, Tax Payments, Parcel 301-23-047, 12/21/99-4/29/10; Parcel 109-07-002A, 12/21/99-5/18/10]

FL-02: Steve Southerland: Steve Southerland was delinquent on his business’s property taxes in '05, '06, '07, '08 and '09. He was forced to pay roughly $2560.00 in late penalties. [McClatchy, 10/11/10, available at: Walton Sun, 10/10/10]

FL-22: Allen West: The IRS filed an $11,000 lien against West for back taxes. Three liens were placed on his home for unpaid bills. [St. Petersburg Times, 8/24/10]

GA-11: Phil Gingrey: Under a special program, District of Columbia taxpayers who own a home in the city and use it as their principal residence receive a $67,500 reduction on the assessed value of their home. In 2009, this deduction would have saved the eligible taxpayer at least $573.75. The program additionally caps the increase of future home assessments, potentially reaping larger savings to the taxpayer over time. In 2009, Roll Call reported that Gingrey—who represents Georgia in Congress—may have improperly received this tax benefit. That year, Gingrey’s house was valued at about $705,000, with a taxable value of $637,000.

In the District, the buyer of a property is required to declare if they are eligible for the exemption. According to Roll Call, “District records show Gingrey’s wife, Billie Gingrey, as the sole purchaser of a three-bedroom row house in 2004.” Gingrey’s spokesman, however, claimed the Congressman may have inadvertently applied for the deduction. The Roll Call article noted that while it is possible for a spouse of a Member of Congress to legally receive this tax benefit, the owner regularly receive notices about the savings they earn under the deduction. [Roll Call, 3/25/09]

IA-05: Steve King: Under a special program, District of Columbia taxpayers who own a home in the city and use it as their principal residence receive a $67,500 reduction on the assessed value of their home. In 2009, this deduction would have saved the eligible taxpayer at least $573.75. The program additionally caps the increase of future home assessments, potentially reaping larger savings to the taxpayer over time. In 2009, Roll Call reported that King—who represents Iowa in Congress—improperly received this tax benefit. That year, King’s home was valued at $388,000, with a taxable value of $308,000.

Although buyers of a property are required to declare if they are eligible for the exemption, and regularly receive notices about the savings they earn under the deduction, King claimed that “the D.C. tax department made a mistake,” a situation that the D.C. Real Property Tax Administration Director Richie McKeithen said could have been a possibility. [Roll Call, 3/25/09]

IL-08: Joe Walsh: According to the Chicago Daily Herald, “Starting in 1992, Walsh was handed several liens for failing to pay state and federal income taxes, together totaling nearly $25,000, according to records from the Cook County Recorder of Deeds. The first lien, in June 1992, was for failing to pay $2,239 in federal income taxes. In June 1994, Walsh was handed a lien for failing to pay $21,566 in federal income taxes, some going as far back as 1985. Six months later, the state placed another lien for Walsh's failure to pay $778 in state income taxes. He eventually paid them off and the last lien cleared in 2001. […] Walsh called the $2,239 and $778 tax liens ‘miscalculations’ on taxes, as far as he and his ex-wife, Laura, can tell. The $21,556 lien, the one that, as Walsh says, ‘jumps out at people,’ comes from failing to pay taxes on an education trust fund set up by his grandfather to pay for his education at Grinnell College and later the University of Iowa in the 1980s. The fifth of nine children, Walsh said his grandfather had set up similar funds for his eight siblings, but said he was the first to ‘get dinged by the IRS […] I had no idea that (money) was taxable,’ he said.” [Chicago Daily Herald, 10/19/10]

IN-09: Todd Young: While Todd Young rails against Washington’s inability to control government spending and get its fiscal house in order, he has repeatedly paid his property taxes late on his property in Bloomington, Indiana. Since 2007, Young has accumulated $2,149.91 in delinquent property taxes and penalties. [Monroe County Treasurer Documents for 2007-2010]

KS-04: Mike Pompeo: Mike Pompeo has tried hard to convince his constituents that Congress needs his business expertise. Yet as of October 26, 2010, one of Mike Pompeo’s companies owed $115,189 in back taxes. Moreover, while he has opposed government involvement in business and the free market, his companies have collected at least $406,100 of taxpayers’ funded subsidies. [Pompeo for Congress Website, accessed on 4/13/10; The Hutchinson News, 10/26/10; Wichita Eagle, 10/25/10]

NH-01: Frank Guinta: In 2008, the Concord Monitor reported that Guinta paid “more than $3,000 in overdue property taxes on investment property” he owned in Manchester, after saying he did not realize the money was owed. In July 2009, the Manchester city tax collector confirmed that Guinta was nearly three months late on paying his sewer bill. [Concord Monitor, 5/22/08; New Hampshire Union Leader, 7/21/09]

NJ-03: Jon Runyan: In 2010, Runyan admitted to failing to pay franchise and property taxes on time. Runyan had been delinquent on roughly $60,000 in property taxes that were owed in quarterly payments on his Mount Laurel home in 2009. Runyan also had a 2007 tax lien placed on a franchise football team in San Diego he had owned. [Philadelphia Inquirer, 5/12/10]

NY-25: Ann Marie Buerkle: Ann Marie Buerkle repeatedly paid school taxes late for her 3779 Underwood Way property in 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010. She also repeatedly paid school taxes later for her Skaneateles property in 2000, 2002, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010. [Onondaga County Office of Real Property Services,, accessed 3/23/11]

OH-16: Jim Renacci: According to the Associated Press, “The leading GOP challenger to Democratic U.S. Rep. John Boccieri was assessed nearly $1.4 million in unpaid state taxes, interest and fees in 2006 — a finding he fought vigorously but eventually paid. Republican Jim Renacci and his wife Tina filed adjusted gross income in 2000 of negative $247,000 but a state audit calculated the sum at $13.7 million, according to an Associated Press review of public documents. The couple was assessed $954,650 in unpaid taxes, $146,938 in interest, and a $293,876 penalty as a result of the discrepancy.” [AP, 4/14/10]

TX-17: Bill Flores: On May 28, 1998, the State of Indiana placed a $70 tax lien against Western Atlas, Inc. At the time, Bill Flores was the Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Western Atlas, Inc. The lien was satisfied on April 9, 1999. [Indiana Tax Lien, Marion County Circuit Court, Filing # 03048419, 5/28/98; Business Wire, 8/20/97; Oil & Gas Journal, 4/19/99]

TX-23: Quico Canseco: In 1984, Canseco had a federal tax liens and one state tax lien filed against him. The Texas state tax lien, filed on June 27, 1984, amounted to $71.79 and was issued because Canseco failed to pay Unemployment Compensation taxes. Canseco paid and fully satisfied the Texas state tax lien on September 24, 1985. [Webb County Clerk’s Office]

WI-06: Tom Petri: Under a special program, District of Columbia taxpayers who own a home in the city and use it as their principal residence receive a $67,500 reduction on the assessed value of their home. In 2009, this deduction would have saved the eligible taxpayer at least $573.75. The program additionally caps the increase of future home assessments, potentially reaping larger savings to the taxpayer over time. In 2009, Roll Call reported that Petri—who represents Wisconsin in Congress—and his wife improperly received this tax benefit. That year, Petri’s home was assessed at $1.4 million, less than half of its total value.

While a spokesperson for Petri claimed that the Congressman legally received the tax benefit through his spouse, an investigation conducted by Roll Call showed that Petri’s wife is not registered to vote within the city, a requirement for program participation. [Roll Call, 3/25/09]

WV-01: David McKinley: Under David McKinley’s leadership, the West Virginia Republican Party failed to pay its taxes. The IRS had to chase McKinley’s party down for evading taxes and even seized the party’s bank accounts. The Party ran up tens of thousands of dollars of debt to rent office space from McKinley’s architecture and engineering firm. The IRS had to chase McKinley's party down for evading taxes, seized the party’s bank account and demanded it pay back taxes and fines. [Charleston Gazette, 2/10/91; 11/29/94; 11/04/94; 6/16/96]


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Letter to NJ Jersey City's Mayor

Open Letter to the Council in Jersey City:

As a concerned citizen – I am now afraid, I am afraid that the leadership in Jersey City has lost control. Not by lack of will, but lack of knowledge and engagement of working cross party-lines. The negligence and political patronage has turned this city south. The wars waging in our city with employment and business, the mangled affairs, and for the last 700 days – where 135 recorded victims have been daggered by gun fire. And we just can’t imagine of the victims that go un-reported. Even though numbers and hard work in the police force have limited the need for crime reported to go down. Yet the message of controlling crime hasn’t, and the formula on crime prevention hasn’t changed. Jersey City should get all the credit it would need for catching those that commit crime, but the method needs an upgrade.

700 days ago, I came to this council, after getting a letter from those in higher offices: to work with local government on fusing change on how the youth is treated. It was 700 days ago, when I was approached by students from Lincoln High school, after a young boy was shot down after walking off the bus line called NJ 87. The problems we are facing with the level of armor and arms fire, isn’t or hasn’t been subjected to last 700 days of a not thought off plan. The wave of teenage crime has been a detour for the youth of this city and possible across the nation for the last 25 years. Jersey City NJ, is missing that pioneer, the same pioneer that roamed the street when Dr. Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. was preaching to the masses.

Randy Brown, who change his name to Kabili Tayari: and I am here calling out that pioneer before he changed his name. Because maybe he hasn’t gotten the picture—the leaders before Kabilli Tayari, wouldn’t leave their children in this mess, and he should leave such a mess for the Next Generation of Leaders: Randy Brown, with the latest riot and shootings happening in the ring of battle in ward F. Jersey City needs a rebirth of that pioneer, and we need that leader now.

We have a problem in this city, and yes I am an outsider – maybe I wasn’t born in this city, or even groomed in the city. I am an advocate, I fight for the voices that go un-heard, I fight for the teams that gets ignored. The leadership in Jersey City is ignoring the major problem that has been a problem for many years: the crime in the African American community, and the growth of teenage crime. You see, I am a fighter: and I am not going to preach to the streets about changing the codings of how we govern the streets. I know what they want on the streets, they want a job that pays them well, and a vision they can believe in. And the Change that we all thought we can see: we are not seeing that change coming from this administration.

I, Omar Dyer: resident of Jersey City from 2004, until now – born in Hoboken NJ: a graduate with a Masters Degree in Literary Arts and Education. And I come to this council, as a concerned citizen that specializes in teenage crime prevention. I am here pleading to you and this isn’t a political stunt for me, because I was asked to come here 700 days ago, and 700 days ago, I still haven’t gotten answer. And with the recent spree that has an unofficial counting of 10 deaths, with 4 bodies said not to be found on the New Year of 2011 – I am sadden to come back to this council, and back to the people of Jersey City with a report: on this administration.

This administration has fumbled the ball, and it’s not because of the pressure from the resistance, and its not the pressure from the right or minority. I am not going to attack this administration on the management of the city. Yet, will attack them on where are the leaders: Randy Brown, where are you? Mrs. Viola Richerdson: Where are you? To the church and community leaders: Where Are You? We are loosing our young men, and the pioneers of the 70’s are winged in the same practices they fought so hard to stop in their twenties. We are facing some tough economic times, and it a leadership mad economic crisis, rather than a exploded financial crisis. On times like these, the best detour for high levels of crimes are: Job Placement, police force, and community awareness. This state lacks, employment, community awareness, and now a weak public sector. Government’s only job is to help and assist in job creation – not prevent them. A Mayor’s job is to work and find innovation: Not ban and prevent them. Or force and demand contributions to a campaign—or make an impression of one—Jersey City needs to change in a better direction than where it’s going with the massive cuts to the public sector.